The meaning of names is important to me. But because Keemberlie is 6 years old we don't want to change it. So I decided, early in this process, to see what her name means. I believe I shared this with some of you before, but I don't believe I blogged about it. Her name, Keemberlie (pronounced like "Kimberly" as we know it), actually means, "From a royal forrest". When I read those words it immediately came to me that Haiti is probably one of the most de-forested countries in the world. And right then it was as if God was showing me - This girl's life, though she is a citizen of Haiti, is not under the authority of Haiti as much as she under the authority of The Royal Forrest - the lush, life-giving Kingdom of God. And as a child of the King she is under his care and the Power above all powers. Her name is a promise over her life. A promise of royalty. A promise of abundant life. A promise of salvation.
We probably will, at some point, change the spelling to: Kimberlie and change her other name "Julien" to Jewel - so Kimberlie Jewel Foote. And I can easily hear us calling her "Kimmie" - in fact, we already do. Yesterday Libby and Gracie were stuck in the car for much longer than they expected, but they were so great about it. I kept telling them - "I have the 2 best girls in the world" And Libby said, "Mom, what about Kimmie?" To which I said, "You're right! I have the 3 best girls in the world." Kimmie is already here in many ways.
My friend, Katie, was able to visit HCRM where Keemberlie resides! Praise the Lord! She was able to deliver our care package to Kimmie and show her our picture, explaining who we are - her family! She shared with me that Keemberlie RAN to her. Keemberlie is called "Petite Keemberlie" because she is the tiniest of 3 Keemberlie's at the orphanage. I'm told she smiled the entire time, and beamed when she saw our pictures and gifts. MANY MANY THANKS to Katie for doing this for us! Enough words - here's the photos Katie brought back for us!

The last one includes Pastor Jean Fritz (far right) who runs HCRM and his wife (far left)
All of these pictures were water to my soul. I really feel like we have something missing in our lives without her. While I was eager and ready to travel to get Libby and Gracie, I also knew they were babies and did not know they had parents coming for them. But Keemberlie is 6. She knows our faces through pictures. She knows our names, her sisters. And yet, she is too young to comprehend why we are taking so long to get to her. That is breaking my heart. In that regard, this adoption is taking me to a new host of emotions and thoughts. She belongs here and there is nothing in our power/control to change the fact that she is not. We are dependent upon God to move mountains and bring her home. Please continue to pray with us for her sake!
She is beautiful! My name is Kimberly!!
we are so thrilled to see these pictures! kelly and i have been staring at her, talking about how beautiful she is! we have such beautiful nieces. praying for her to come to you quickly!
I knew that was her name (since the newspaper picture was named Keemberlie when you clicked on it :)
I think you should keep the spelling of Keemberlie!!! It is so pretty. I was one of 5 Sarah's in my class (of 25) and always wished my name was spelled uniquely. One of my closet gradschool friend's name was spelled Zarah and she was Kenyan.
My three children are from Ethiopia. One is named Lidya (12), one is Rebekkah(8), and my son is Yosef(10). While their names are spelled differently from the American version they love that their name reflects their culture and still sounds Ethiopian. (They are a sibling group that we adopted 2 years ago.)
She is precious! Many blessings to your entire family! love, Karen Wistrom
Thanks for sharing Cindy! What a great blessing for you all. I'll be so thrilled to see this sweet girl join your family! :) I hope things move smoothly for you!
Beautiful! Beautiful! We are thrilled for you all! We are praying for the blessings of the Lord to pour over your precious daughter as she waits to be united with her forever family. Praying for your momma's heart too--that the peace of Jesus will hold you and sustain you! Love you! Kara
I loooove seeing the new pics. I cannot imagine how you feel. Praying for you all! Love you bunches!
Cindy! I love her. She looks like a Foote! I totally would pick her out as your daughter - she has the beautiful joyful smile your other girls share! So excited for you and I LOVE her name. Beautiful. Kimmie, Libby and Gracie - perfect! You guys continue to encourage my heart so much. Praying for you that this QUICKLY goes through so your sweet beautiful girl will be home soon, and that until then Jesus would be near you guys and your sweet little love.
These pics are so beautiful. Keemberlie is blessed to have God's love shine so beautifully through you! I love to read your blog as it is exactly where I am as I wait for Gaelle, also about to turn 6, to come home. I guess you were all informed that adoptions in Haiti have now been reopened. This has been a hard transition for us to make going from the idea of humanitarian parole which would be much much quicker than adopting through Haiti. We are still praying for God to move mountains and have the HOPE Act pass. His story, His glory. I know I will be dropping by often to check in on your story. Blessings!!
Cindy, I knew something was going on but I didn't realize this was your new blog and certainly didn't realize you were adopting again from Haiti! I am so, so excited for you! Praise Jesus for your beautiful girl:) We are praying...
Congrats on the new member of the family. Cindy she is a jewel. I honestly think that you should keep her first name the way it is. I love the way it is spelled. but she is to cute and i know you and the family cant wait to have her in yall arms.
Cindy - She is absolutely beautiful! I have loved reading the story of this journey. Will be praying for you guys!
She is so precious!! SO precious!! I love names too and what they mean. I looked up her name a couple of weeks ago and found that it also means, "leader od warriors". I'd say the Lord is raising up an awesome army in your home!! And she is the oldest!! Can't wait to see how the Lord plays out the rest of the story!! Love you!
She is just so beautiful and a precious soul. What a fitting name she has.
Praying that God would go before you and prepare the way to bring sweet Keemberlie home as soon as possible.
Love and hugs and prayers,
What a precious gift to see your sweet girl's smile for the first time!! I agree that she looks like a Foote with that big joyful grin. LOVE HER!!
And you didn't ask, but I'll give another side of the name discussion- when I was 8 I changed the spelling of my name to "Alyssa" because I was sick of people not knowing how to say or spell it. Sweet Keemberlie may not be as easily annoyed, but it bugged me as a kid.
And another fun thing-- I knew there was a Haitian girl at BSF but I got to see her tonight, and I just wanted to hug her and tell her all about my new Haitian "niece." But I didn't want to freak her out and be "that lady" who's always telling me about their husband's first cousin's neighbor's dog groomer who also adopted from wherever ;)
Since I'm rambling-- one more thing-- when Jesus prayed right before His arrest and cruifixion, He prayed as if it had already been completed. To God and His perfect perspective on eternity, Keemberlie's adoption into your family is already accomplished-- and He is certainly able to pour His love into her heart while she waits so it will also feel to her like she already has not just a mom, dad and 2 sisters, but a HOLY FATHER who has claimed her as their own. Hallelujah!!
Elissa, I do see your point. My kids do have nicknames they go by. Lidya goes by Lydi, Rebekkah is Becca, and Yosef is Yoshi. They use these names in school, at the dr.s and dentists. However, they are starting to prefer their real names :).
BEAUTIFUL!!!! She looks so sweet! Asking God to bring her to her new home very soon!
Oh, Keemberlie. You are so so loved. By many. I am praying for you and your family. I pray God brings you all together very soon. Congratulations. I love her name. The spelling and Julien. Very pretty. Not that I have a say, but I think you should leave it. Her eyes are so full of hope and it is because of your love and selflessness. I cannot wait to see your first family picture. Many blessings.
what a precious little girl! I am so happy for you and her!!! What a blessing!
She is precious and will be a beautiful addition to your family! I love following your love story. You a remarkable mother and the world could use more like you! Thanks for the updates! I pray God will bring her home to you very soon!
She truly is beautiful! Praying she is home soon!
She is so beautiful! I love that Libby didn't want you to leave Keemberlie out when you were talking to them in the car. I am praying that she will be able to be in your arms soon!
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