Love the cute dress she is wearing in this one

I LOVE this picture of Keemberlie in her cute little sundress. And below is a picture of a boy named Rood. His story is amazing. He is the only amputee at HCRM. He lost his arm when his mother covered him with her body during the earthquake. She was killed protecting him and he was buried in the rubble with her laying on his arm for 2 days. His arm had to be amputated, but he lived and he is an amazing boy with a huge testimony. We actually know the family here in San Antonio that is matched to him if he is able to get a medical visa! Pray for Rood!

She looks like a happy child!! great little smile! Love the Easter bunny picture!!!
What an amazing transformation already in Keemberlie! She does look so happy and has the expression of a loved child. Can't wait till you get her home.
Love and hugs and prayers,
Hi Cindy,
Check out the tv coverage we received yesterday by following the attached link below. We are wanting our voices to be heard on behalf of all of our children waiting helplessly for hope! Keep believing! Gaelle and Keemberlie, along with many other orphans, will be home very soon and no longer will be welcomed into their forever families! I'm watching Him part the waters and it won't be long now!!
WOW!! Three cheers for Rosanna!! God is answering so many prayers-- bringing you pictures...and then more pictures, keeping His sweet girl not just safe, but filled with His joy until He gets her home, who knows what else He has up His sleeve?? :)
Sorry for the typo...I meant they WILL be welcomed in our forever families:)
Also, the link for our news coverage supporting humanitarian parole was changed. Here is the new link:
I received your phone call. Planning to call you back soon. We're out of town with family. Billy's grandfather passed away. So I haven't had a chance to call you back...probably Friday.
i don't know how in the world i missed this. kelly asked me if i had seen the new pics and i said, "what new pics?!" she is absolutely beautiful, cindy. so stunning. my heart melts when i see her. we'll definitely be praying for rood. he is handsome. can't wait for you to receive the picture she colored for you - what a treasure that will be!
btw, just so you know... if my water breaks we'll call you asap (unless it's in the middle of the night, and if that was the case we'd call you 1st thing in the am). you wouldn't find out from my blog. you are the auntie!!! : )
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