Last week a few families traveled to Haiti to visit the kids at HCRM in Haiti. Britt Sims took these beautiful photos of Keemberlie. She is so beautiful!

Yesterday, Billy arrived in Haiti to visit Keemberlie for the first time. He had a long travel day that started way too early, but he arrived safely yesterday afternoon. Upon arriving Keemberlie was very tentative to come to him. But she did sit with him for a while. He was talking to her and showing her some things when he noticed she was crying. He showed her some pictures on his phone of Libby and me to see if that would help. When that didn't work he pulled out a bag of gifts I had sent to her and she took it and walked away. Someone sent her back to Billy to say thank you. At some point some of the girls kept trying to make Keemberlie sit with Billy and Billy was trying to explain that she didn't have to. At the end of that exchange he was worried that Keemberlie might think he didn't want her since he was saying "no, don't make her sit here." There was no translator to help explain or to ask her why she was crying. He text me to tell me what was happening. I shared with him that she is either scared of him (because, let's face it, Billy can look very intimidating even if you've seen pictures before meeting him.... he's a larger than life kinda man - especially to a tiny 6 year old). OR she didn't realize that I wasn't coming with him. Maybe she was disappointed that I wasn't there. I wanted to cry just thinking about that. I began to regret not being there.
We decided to Skype so she could see me/hear me. When she heard my voice I could hear Billy say, "she's smiling really big". But the connection wasn't great and I didn't have my Haitian Creole phrase sheet to help me communicate. We kept trying to Skype. At one point I found my phrase sheet and was able to ask her if she is okay? She answered back, "yes!" and kept saying, "I love you, Momma." Billy decided to call our house since the Skype wasn't working. When I answered he said, "just keep talking so she can hear your voice." So I did and then asked her to sing "Open the Eyes of My Heart" with me since she knows it in English. Together, Billy, Keemberlie and I sang the song together. Then we hung up.
Billy text me again last night to share that he took his guitar out after our talk and began playing worship songs (which she loves!) and she took to him just fine at the point. She even took him by the hand and walked him around the orphanage.
So, it seems they have turned a corner and are doing well. I haven't heard from him today. I am praying (and you can pray with me) that this would be a great bonding time for them. Pray also for Billy as heat and humidity do not mix well with the Foote Man.